Friday, November 6, 2009

On Staying Healthy

Fall and winter in Seattle seem to sneak up on us every year - the leaves change color, the air turns crisp, the rain begins...and within a week or so half the city is sick. I was just hit with the flu 2 weeks ago, and now the crud is making its way through the school, causing missed lessons and lingering coughs that make singing (or even walking up the stairs) a difficult task.

Living in a city that is damp for over half the year makes it nearly impossible to completely avoid illness; however, as singers we rely on our voices and really can't afford to be sick at any time. The best thing we can do is take preventive measures to lessen the chance of catching a virus and make sure we're in the best overall health possible. Most of these measures are pretty standard: maintain a healthy diet (lots of green vegetables, not too much junk), drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, wash your hands often, get enough sleep. Seriously, I can't stress enough the importance of getting enough sleep!

Every once in a while, though, you can feel something coming on. Is it a cold or just allergies? Do I need to drink more water or is my throat dry because I'm getting sick? For these occasions, I have a few favorite homeopathic tricks up my sleeve.

**Please note that these are observations based on my own experience and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. I recommend that you visit your primary care physician before embarking on a treatment plan, and always check to make sure that the remedy you choose does not conflict with any of your current medications.

Favorite over-the-counter cold/cough remedies

When I feel a cold or sore throat coming on, I swear by Anti - V Formula. It contains a potent form of echinacea along with astralagus root and reishi mushroom, and it tastes disgusting. But it really works for me, and has stopped many a cold before it started. (Couldn't stop the flu though.) I first took it two years ago when I had a throat infection that wouldn't go away; within a day and a half of taking this every 3 hours, it was gone. Love it!

Singer's Saving Grace is a natural throat spray that can really help with dry, scratchy throat. The mint flavor tastes sort of like Aveda products smell, but it makes my throat feel much happier and I'll put up with a lot of funny tastes for that.

If you've already got a cold, Umcka can help shorten the duration; I have several students who have great success with this product. If you decide to use it I'd recommend getting the alcohol-free drops so you don't get too dried out.

Sometimes you just need a lozenge. My new favorites are Halls Vitamin C drops and Ricola Honey-Herb, but I'm pretty fickle. Find your favorite flavor and keep a stash with you.

For more homeopathic remedies to help with sinus congestion, visit my March blog post about allergy remedies for singers. Whether it's allergies or a cold, the sinus pain and remedies are pretty much the same.

Sometimes you just get sick and there's nothing to be done about it but let the virus run its course. If this happens to you, do everyone a favor and stay home! No one wants to get sick because you were so dedicated to your rehearsal, lesson or class that you couldn't stay away. Take the time to care for yourself, watch some bad TV, get well and come back when you're healthy.

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